Monday, October 16, 2006

First Post

I was reading Lifehacker the other day and it had a link to Photojojo, talking about a fun project. They suggested that you take one picture every day for a year. This would make you look at things in a different way and push your photography skills. Even on days that you don't do anything, you need to find something and find a way to make an interesting picture out of it. They also suggested taking a picture of yourself on a regular basis, to see how you change. So that's what I'll be doing for the next year.
I just decided I would start today since if I do it until October 16, 2007, I'll have a few months of not doing it then I can do it for the calendar year of 2008, during which I'll turn 18, and (hopefully) go study in Europe.
So that's why todays picture is a pretty boring one, just myself, trying not to look horribly posed.

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